Friday, February 28, 2020

Principles of Health and Social Care Practice Essay - 2

Principles of Health and Social Care Practice - Essay Example Promoting effective communication (the ability to communicate with colleagues and service users) is a vital portion of being a care worker. Acknowledging individuals personal identities and beliefs is very important. In a multicultural and a multi ethnic society, it is important and fair that care workers are aware of cultural differences of people, respect them and assist keep their individual identities. 1.2 The procedures that are adopted in ABC Care Home.It is always the responsibility of the staff to keep the procedures to guard the health and social care users. They have the responsibility to guard clients, the public, patients and colleagues from the peril of harm (Basford & Oliver, 2011, p.101).   They should work precisely so that they can be in a position to guard them from harm. They should see to it that their behavior does not place patients and clients at peril; even they must be concerned about their health aspect as well. They have to guard the consumers of the serv ices from safety and health issue, to guard the disable, people’s right from illness and infection and from abuse (create a harmless environment). The safety and health work dangers at ABC can be in form of a wet or slippery flow, rearrangement of furniture and equipment, hanging electric wires, dirty facilities and sharing of objects that may contribute to infection (Alcock, May, & Rowlingson, 2008, p.72). It is always the responsibility of the staff to keep the procedures to guard the health and social care users.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

My Writing Experiences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

My Writing Experiences - Essay Example I am an extrovert person even from my childhood which enabled me to communicate effectively with even strangers. Such communications often increased my knowledge level immensely. New knowledge or information always attracted me irrespective of whether it is useful to me or interesting to me. Topics like politics, sports, cinema, science, history, philosophy, sociology, psychology education, business, and economics; all attracted me and I always tried to collect information regarding the above topics in particular. I strongly believe that my interests in a variety of topics helped me a lot while writing something about a topic. Simple academic knowledge alone cannot make a good writer. Close observation of incidents or developments happening all over the world is necessary for a writer. Moreover, I have a strong temperament in listening others even though I am a bit, talkative person. I consider all the above qualities as the strengths of me as a writer. The main weakness about me as a writer is my inability to concentrate entirely on the topic. Because of a reasonable amount of knowledge I possess about different topics, my track quiet often deviated from the main theme while writing. I need a lot of proofreading sessions before making the topic back on track. I always tried to accommodate too many things in a small paper and hence quiet regularly exceeds the limits while writing my assignments. I always tried to incorporate interesting examples in my paper irrespective of the topic. I believe that the readers are the asset of a writer and hence in order to catch the attention of the readers, interesting examples or stories need to be included in the paper even if we are writing about boring subjects like philosophy or politics. I always like to have a calm and quiet atmosphere around me while writing which enabled me to focus entirely on the paper.